Saturday, June 5, 2010

Greetings From Tucson, AZ

Trigger Ready to Be on the Road!

We started this morning nice and early, Callie arriving at my house at 6:45am. We loaded up the car and made our first stop at Starbucks on Temperance. Which was lucky because I realized I had forgotten my cell phone at home. Phew! After retrieving the cell phone we were off like a herd of turtles.
The road from Fresno on 99 to 58-E is road that Callie and I have traveled many times.

The thermometer kept on climbing as the day went on and we hit triple digits by lunch time when we stopped outside Palm Springs, CA for lunch. Our first adventure began at the Del Taco where we had a trainee take my order. She then gave my someone else's food, then not the right order, and finally the right food after much coercing.
Our final CA stop was Blythe for gas where the temperature hit 109. Yikes!

The transition from CA to AZ had only a few contrasts. We traded Joshua Trees for Saguaro Cacti. A lot more highway patrol cars hiding in the bushes. And the best was the amount of cars with towering piles of furniture on the back of them. Most with 1 couch, 2 chairs, maybe a bed, a refrigerator, stack-able washer and dryers.
After passing the first few cops I realized I had forgot my passport. Callie and I got a good joke out of it because we were saying that a cop would pull me over and ask for a passport or birth certificate and I would promptly reply "No Senor."
Other than that, the view was pretty much desert as far as you can see.

We counted down the miles to Tucson with excitement after we passed through Phoenix, AZ. And we finally saw our first sign for the Saguaro National Park so we knew we were close. After our 11 hour drive we pulled off the highway in search of our hotel and drove through some shady parts of the town but we found our hotel and it was nicer than expected. We got some food recommendations from the hotel person and headed a couple of blocks to Caruso's Italian Restaurant.

The restaurant was in what Callie described as Tower District/San Francisco. The food was delicious.
Now we are very ready for bed and for another exciting day tomorrow with Saguaro NP and Carlsbad Caverns NP.


  1. one should never eat at del taco...

  2. Thanks for the advice, it just came a little too late!
